Dow AgroSciences

Telone II Soil Fumigant

Published in the April 2013 Issue Published online: Apr 01, 2013
Viewed 4940 time(s)

Dow AgroSciencesApplications of Telone II soil fumigant increases sugarbeet yields by reducing cyst nematodes.

Some field crops require broadcast applications of fumigants for nematode control. But the tap root of a sugarbeet allows growers to concentrate the fumigant right in the seed row. In-row applications of Telone are commonly used in Idaho, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming.

"Telone remains the standard for nematode management," said Brad Young, Telone specialist based in Idaho. "The in-row applications allow lower rates to be used, which makes treatment more economical."

In-row applications of Telone can be made with a
variety of equipment.
