Farm Bureau launches GMO website

Published online: May 12, 2015 News
Viewed 1554 time(s)

The American Farm Bureau Federation has created a website for farmers and ranchers that makes it easy for them to tell members of Congress how they feel about GMO labeling.

Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman tells Brownfield that farmers need to make their voices heard.

“Members of Congress need to hear from farmers about the importance of GMO’s; the importance of resolving this labeling issue. So we’ve made it very simple for them. We’ve put together this website with some promotion, issues, bullet points if you will. But more importantly, a way of giving them a very direct link by punching a button and sending a message to members of Congress.”

He says biotechnology is important to agriculture and the world.

“It’s very critical that voices of farmers are heard in Congress as to why the technology is so important and we must do everything we can to keep it.”

Stallman says the website,, targets getting legislation  passed to resolve the GMO labeling issue.

“What we’re asking for specifically in Congress is law to be passed which basically says a GMO label should only be required if the product affects public safety and health. That is the venue of the Food and Drug Administration, so we give them the authority to oversee the need for a label or not.”

Vermont, Hawaii, Oregon, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina and Washington have all proposed GMO labeling bills.
