Mahindra ad campaign highlights women in ag

Published online: Jun 27, 2015 News
Viewed 2394 time(s)

Adding to the mix of the Come Rise With Us advertising campaign, Mahindra USA introduces a new spot focusing on the important role women play in agriculture and recognizing their contributions. The new campaign features Patricia Lang and her daughter, joined by Janeth Tomlin, all Mahindra owners who are the brand’s biggest advocates. The loyalty and satisfaction of customers like the women featured in these ads, are one of the reasons Mahindra is the fastest growing tractor brand in North America. The ads are now appearing nationally on TV and in publications.

Mahindra, the world’s number one selling tractor brand based on volume, is fully committed to the Rise initiatives and these women exemplify the Rise philosophy: accepting no limits, employing alternative thinking and driving positive change to help transform lives in communities across the world.

In addition to bringing attention to women through its advertising campaign, Mahindra USA invests in more than twenty scholarships over various programs including one dedicated specifically to young women pursuing a career in agriculture. The Women In Ag scholarship, entering its eighth year, is a joint program with the national Future Farmers of America organization. It has provided 32 young women with nearly $100,000 in scholarships since its inception.

“The Women In Ag spots capture the heart of the women who contribute so much to the agricultural community and passionately work the land they love. They have earned the spotlight with their unbridled energy and unwavering spirit,” said Cleo Franklin, Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Planning, Mahindra USA. “These ads are a reflection of Mahindra’s Rise philosophy and our customer first strategy that drives decision-making and fuels our rapid growth in the North American market.”