Full beet harvest begins in Idaho

Published online: Nov 02, 2015 News
Viewed 2346 time(s)

The early sugarbeet digging has finished and producers in Elmore, Ada, and other beet counties in southwestern Idaho are starting the regular beet harvest.

“Producers have started digging the late beets, but the early contracts are done,” said Mir Seyedbagheri, soil scientist and University of Idaho Extension educator.

All the sugarbeets are hauled to the Amalgamated Sugar Company (White Satin brand) in Nampa, Idaho.

However, harvest has been hampered by a week of rain, but that replenished soils, Seyedbagheri said.

There is some grain corn yet to be combined, but chopping corn for silage is complete in the many southwestern counties he works in.

The region received a light frost, but there has been no hard frost yet.

“All the potatoes are dug now. We are nearing the end of fall harvest,” Seyedbagheri said.

Jerry Neufeld, in Canyon County, said sugarbeets are being harvested. The piles of beets are coming in from beet growers in the area. These beets will also go to the Amalalgamated Sugar Company.

Percentage of crops harvested are as follows: sugarbeets, 41 percent harvested; potatoes, 87 percent harvested; field corn for silage, 92 percent harvested; and field corn for grain, 46 percent harvested.

Source: www.theprairiestar.com