Beet planting delayed in Michigan

Published online: Apr 25, 2017 News
Viewed 1233 time(s)

Sugarbeet Crop Specialist Doug Ruppal with Syngenta tells Brownfield about 1,000 acres of sugarbeets were planted in March of the Michigan Sugar Company’s contracted 155,000 acres across Michigan and Canada.

“We’ve planted in mid-April before and had fantastic crops. A few years back we didn’t plant until I think around Memorial Day, it was very late May planting, and they had a record crop that year.”

He says it’s becoming more common to plant sugarbeets in late March and early April which makes seed selection even more important for disease control when planting into wetter soils.

“When the seeds or seedlings are very small, they do not like a lot of moisture, and we prepare today for that. We as a company apply different fungicides to our seed.”

Ruppal says as growers are waiting to get into fields, it’s a good time for planter maintenance and making a safety plan for farm employees.
