Report finds one child dies every three days due to farm-related injury

Published online: Apr 11, 2017 News
Viewed 1443 time(s)

The latest report from the Wisconsin-based National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety shows life remains risky for children on farms.

“The data that we have, to date, tells us that about every three days there’s a child that dies in an agriculture-related incident. And, every day, there are 33 children who are seriously injured in agriculture-related incidents," said Marsha Salzwedel, an ag youth safety specialist with the national center.

She said there is no single data source for the information in their annual reports.

“Now when we say seriously injured, we’re not talking about a child falling down and scraping their knee or something like that. It’s an injury that if it took place in an adult it would probably require time off work.”

The leading cause of child fatalities on the farm is machinery, involved 25 percent of the time. Motor vehicles, including ATVs, come in second and drowning is third. The other 40 percent is from various causes.

Salzwedel, who grew up on a farm, said they are not suggesting children shouldn’t be raised on farms because of the risk. But injury prevention should be first and foremost.

Their findings include data from the CDC’s 2014 Occupational Safety and Health survey, the latest available.
