Stallman: Understand the importance of NAFTA before making changes

Published online: Apr 27, 2017 News
Viewed 1381 time(s)

The former president of the American Farm Bureau says President Trump needs to understand the importance of NAFTA before making any major changes to the agreement.

On Wednesday, President Trump said he is considering an executive order to withdraw the US from the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Bob Stallman says industries that rely on trade need to be more vocal when telling the president why NAFTA is so important.

“The next thing is – assuming he gets the message – and I believe he will,” he says. “Will he articulate a policy to the administration that will stay in place to have the negotiation?”

Linda Dempsey with the National Association of Manufacturers says Canada and Mexico are two of the most important markets to the US.

“We have got to make sure that we are growing and we are helping,” she says. “We have a lot on the table in manufacturing that depends on our relationship with these two markets. This is an important relationship and we’ve got to get it done right.”

Following the reports about the President’s intentions, several ag groups expressed concern with the threat.

Tom Sleight, CEO of the US Grains Council says the US’s top grain market should not be used as a negotiating tactic. Sleight says an executive order to withdraw from NAFTA will have an immediate effect on sales to Mexico, market prices and the profitability of US farmers.

National Corn Growers Association president Wesley Spurlock says NAFTA has been a huge win for American agriculture and losing access to some or top trading partners would result in a huge blow to the entire ag industry.
