New Product: SnowEx Automatixx Plow Attachment

Published online: Jun 18, 2020 New Products
Viewed 1217 time(s)

The innovative Automatixx attachment kits from SnowEx are now available for a variety of OEM tractor models. This new, versatile offering allows direct attachment of SnowEx heavy-duty straight blades, V-plows or winged plows to tractors for improved plowing efficiency.

The Automatixx power-assisted attachment system provides quick and easy plow hookup from one side of the tractor. A removable push beam allows for simple installation and removal of the kit. Additionally, there is no need to uninstall the mount to re-attach the tractor’s loader system.

“We’ve seen growing demand for non-truck-mounted snowplowing applications,” says Bob Iverson, product manager for SnowEx. “The new Automatixx attachment kits provide an ideal solution for bringing the industry-leading performance of SnowEx snowplows to a wide range of tractors.”

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