Sugarbeet Planting Update For North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan

Published online: May 25, 2022 News
Viewed 618 time(s)

Here is an update on this spring’s sugarbeet planting progress, which has been hampered by cool, wet weather in certain parts of the country.

American Crystal Sugar Company

As of Tuesday, May 24, American Crystal shareholders/growers have 182,000 acres planted, representing 40 percent of the total the company expects for the year. The growing region is facing historically wet conditions and it has put growers on pace for the latest average planting date the company has seen in the last 40 years.

That said, American Crystal shareholders have made significant investments in planting equipment, and it’s allowing them to make quick progress as the field conditions improve.


Improving weather in Michigan has allowed sugarbeet growers there to make some big gains in planting this past several days.

Following are figures from the USDA on percentages of sugarbeets planted in the four states that represented 84 percent of 2021 sugarbeet acreage:

State                                                    Week Ending                                     2017-2021

                        May 15, 2021             May 8, 2022               May 15, 2022 Average

                        (percent)                      (percent)                      (percent)          (percent)

Idaho               98                                95                                97                    95

Michigan         100                              36                                94                    87

Minnesota       100                              8                                  8                      83

North Dakota  98                                2                                  9                      84


Average           98                                26                                37                    86