Propane Council Urges Farmers To Prepare For Winter Season Now

PERC offers insight and tools to help producers ensure energy needs and cut costs during this year’s harvest and winter seasons

Published online: Oct 26, 2022 News
Viewed 353 time(s)

Washington – The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) recommends producers plan for winter energy needs now and consider adding or expanding the use of propane to keep operations running smoothly and boost bottom lines. With harvest in full swing and winter weather right around the corner, PERC says now is the time to reach out to propane suppliers and prepare for the coming months.

“This year’s wet spring and delayed planting, followed by dry weather in many agriculture regions, have affected irrigation needs and harvest schedules across the country,” said Mike Newland, director of agriculture business development at PERC. “The combination of extreme weather events, the crisis in Ukraine and resulting supply chain issues, and the high cost of diesel, are creating a lot of uncertainty among producers. PERC has developed tools, like its Grain Drying Calculator, that can be used to estimate gallons ahead of each season and take back control over energy availability.”

The Grain Drying Calculator allows users to simply input their average expected yield to determine the propane gallons needed to dry their crops by a specific moisture percentage.

Newland and director of market communications, Gregg Walker, recently discussed the status of domestic propane supply, expectations for the season, and taking advantage of PERC resources to prepare for winter energy demands in a new webinar. The webinar is part of a Propane Presents Technology Series, hosted in partnership with various OEMs to focus on new and emerging propane technologies, tools, education, and best practices.

PERC advises producers to contact local propane suppliers now to plan for winter deliveries and discuss early tank fill programs.
