Blast From The Past

Published online: May 19, 2023 Feature
Viewed 378 time(s)

We were recently out and about in Fremont County, Idaho, taking pictures of the final days of potato planting for this spring and were driving on North Salem Road when something caught our eye.

We actually passed it as we were headed north but made a U-turn to take a closer look. What we discovered was some old remnants of a sugarbeet slicing facility dating back to the beginning of the 1900s.  

We pass an old sugar factory in Rigby, ID, every day on our way to the office and have seen the old factory in Sugar City but we hadn’t noticed this sugarbeet slicing facility, even though we’ve driven on that road and by it several times.

Some of the history is recounted on the roadside sign but here is also some additional information we found: