United Nations Figures Show Russia Leads World In Sugarbeet Production, U.S. Third

Published online: Jul 19, 2024 Feature
Viewed 276 time(s)

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations the Russian Federation leads the world in sugarbeet production, followed not so closely by France and then the United States.

The rankings are for 2022, the most recent year the figures are available from the FAO.

Here are the top 10 sugarbeet producing countries in the world for 2022 according to the FAO. All units are in tons.

1. Russian Federation             48,907,752

2. France                                 31,496,750

3. United States                      29,550,640

4. Germany                             28,201,400

5. Turkey                                 19,000,000

6. Poland                                 14,154,120

7. Egypt                                  13,557,070

8. Ukraine                               9,941,460

9. China                                   8,933,200

10. Netherlands                       7,256,600

For more information, visit https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#rankings/countries_by_commodity.