Nationwide Search Launched For New Executive Director

Published online: Oct 15, 2024 News
Viewed 51 time(s)

Download Job Recruitment Brochure: Click Here 
The Family Farm Alliance board of directors has announced that it has initiated a nationwide search for a new executive director. Dan Keppen (OREGON), who has served as the organization’s executive director since March 2005, announced earlier this month intends to step down from his current position at the Alliance’s October 2025 annual meeting in Reno, Nevada.

CLICK HERE to visit the Alliance's job announcement webpage, which includes a link to the recruitment brochure and related press announcements.
The Family Farm Alliance (Alliance), a 501-c-6 nonprofit incorporated in Arizona in 1991, is a grassroots organization composed of family farmers, irrigation districts, and those in related industries throughout the Western states. The Alliance is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of irrigated agriculture.
The Alliance was formed to ensure that its members’ views are regularly communicated to elected officials, regulatory agencies and to the general public. The Alliance works closely with individual farmers and ranchers as well as other organizations that have common interests to ensure efforts to promote western irrigated agriculture are aligned, efficient, and effective.
The principal objective of the Alliance is to help ensure the continued availability of adequate irrigation water supplies to Western farmers.  
The organization’s  founders’ commitment to the Alliance is prevalent today as they continue to build our organization to carry their vision forward, a vision which is now embraced by members in 16 Western states. The Alliance is seen by many water resource stakeholders and policy makers as a key player in the context of Western water resource management and how this important function is impacted by federal laws and regulations. 
The organization has a proven track record of successful engagement with federal policymakers that includes 99 invitations to appear before Congress since 2005. 
The Executive Director executes the policy direction provided by a board of directors who are active ranchers or farmers from throughout the Western United States. Technical support and guidance are provided by an Advisory Committee made up of over 40 irrigation district managers, engineers, attorneys, association leaders, and other industry professionals. 
All Alliance staff work – including that of the Executive Director - is done under contract, to maintain flexibility and concentrate Alliance funding on achieving its mission.   
By this Request for Proposal (RFP), the Alliance Board of Directors seeks proposals from individuals and/or firms with demonstrated experience to serve as Executive Director under contract.
Establishing a transparent process to hire a new executive director and board leadership transition were identified as top Alliance priorities last February. A strategic board retreat was held in Colorado in July, where a search committee was established to develop timelines, mileposts and deliverables associated with finding a new executive director by mid-summer 2025. 
“The retreat also served as a kick-off to begin the board’s succession discussion, which will continue until late summer 2025, with input from the incoming executive director,” said First Vice-President Don Schwindt (COLORADO), who is chairing the Executive Director Search Committee. "Our goal is to find a great candidate with strong passion for the Alliance's mission statement that will bring his or her unique attributes to continue strengthening our membership advocacy moving forward.” 
An executive director recruitment package, which provides information about the organization, request for proposal, qualities emphasized by the board of directors for the ideal candidate, qualifications, and nomination and application procedures, can be DOWNLOADED HERE.
The recruitment for this position will close at 5 p.m. Mountain Time Friday, January 31, 2025. 
Candidates are encouraged to apply by e-mailing a compelling cover letter, comprehensive resume, and list of three references to