Südzucker Develops Paper And Packaging Material From Sugar Beet

Published online: Dec 04, 2024 News
Viewed 551 time(s)

Mannheim – Südzucker is launching a high-quality fibre for the paper and packaging industry. BeetKraft is made from co-products that arise during sugar production and processed into a high-quality substitute for wood-based pulp using a patented refining process.

After intensive collaboration with technology partner Zelfo Technology GmbH and Simply By Nature, Südzucker will produce industrial quantities of BeetKraft at a demonstration plant at the Offstein factory in Rhineland-Palatinate from the end of 2024. 

Regionally From Southern Germany

BeetKraft enables paper producers to replace up to 40 per cent of the classic, primary wood fibres, such as bleached hardwood kraft pulp, in the paper recipe, while simultaneously increasing the stability of the cardboard and paper. This also makes it possible to reduce the overall weight of packaging.

In addition, the transport distances for the procurement of raw materials for paper production can be significantly reduced: Südzucker sources and processes the sugarbeets locally in southern Germany – in close proximity to paper manufacturers in Germany. As a co-product from sugar production, BeetKraft fibres contribute to the complete utilization of the sugarbeet.

Wide Range Of Applications

BeetKraft is particularly suitable for kraft paper applications or folding boxes and can also be used for cardboard and containerboard. The paper produced has already been successfully used on a trial basis in demonstration and industrial plants for packaging sugar products, among other things, after a declaration of compliance with food safety regulations had been issued.

BeetKraft can be used to produce paper for direct contact with dry, non-fatty foodstuffs. The papers have an appealing, high-quality and natural look, which allows the consumer goods industry to stand out on the shelf. 

Proven Quality

The material properties of BeetKraft and its suitability as an alternative fibre material for the production of different paper qualities has been examined and evaluated in collaboration with PTS – Institute for Fibres & Paper, the research and service institute of the paper industry. After a laboratory-scale material screening, tests were carried out with various materials in combination with primary and secondary fibres to produce different paper qualities on the PTS pilot paper machine. 

For more information, visit https://www.suedzucker.com/de/beetkraft.