BeetKraft Out Now: Südzucker Launches Innovative Product For Paper And Packaging Solutions Made From Sugarbeet

Published online: Mar 13, 2025 New Products
Viewed 44 time(s)

After intensive innovation work Südzucker recently launched a high-quality fibre for the paper and packaging industry – BeetKraft.

BeetKraft is made from sugarbeet by-products during the annual sugar production and processed into a high-quality substitute for wood-based pulp using a patented refining process.

BeetKraft is the ideal alternative to classic, wood-based pulp (NBSK/SBSK). Thanks to its unique combination of benefits, BeetKraft is a great solution for the current packaging needs of brand owners, paper producers and printers, already tested in various applications ranging from kraft paper to cardboard and containerboard.

Replace up to 40 percent of classic, primary wood-based fiber in your packaging solution while simultaneously increasing stability by up to 11 percent and maintaining a high-quality, authentic print image. 

What exactly is BeetKraft and how can you benefit from it? Discover the full story here and reach out to Südzucker for more details.