New Agreement With The Alberta Sugar Beet Growers Extends Until 2024

Published online: Apr 28, 2023 News
Viewed 355 time(s)

Montreal and Vancouver -- Rogers Sugar Inc. has announced a two-year agreement with the Alberta Sugar Beet Growers (“ASBG”) for the supply of sugarbeets to its Taber sugar refining plant. The new supply contract covers the 2023 and 2024 crops.

Established over 70 years ago, the Taber operation -- the only sugarbeet processing facility in Canada -- is supported by 200 Southern Alberta farm families, which supply the refinery with sugarbeets. As a result, all sugar produced at this location is 100 percent Canadian.

“We are pleased to have reached an agreement with the Alberta Sugar Beet Growers for another two years. This agreement not only guarantees our clients ongoing security of supply, but provides both stakeholders with a balanced, positive investment relationship and ensures a favourable environment for the sugar beet industry. This long-term partnership has proven to be mutually beneficial,” stated Mike Walton, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lantic Inc and Rogers Sugar Inc.