French Sugar Beet Pesticide Alternative Could Be Five Years Away

Published online: Jun 29, 2023 News Sybille De La Hamaide, Reuters
Viewed 295 time(s)

Paris (Reuters) - Research into alternatives to neonicotinoid pesticides, found to be toxic to bees, is unlikely to deliver a solution capable of fully protecting sugar beet crops for five years, a leading French scientist said.

After the beet yellows virus carried by aphids reduced the French harvest by 30 percent in 2020, and farmers and sugar makers lobbied the government, France suspended a European Union ban on neonicotinoids until 2023 and launched a research programme to find alternatives to the chemical in the meantime.

But an EU Court of Justice ruling that member states cannot offer exemptions to the bloc's ban forced France to drop its exemption before an effective solution could be found.

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