Real Sugar On Tour

Real dividends from taking people into the field

Published online: Feb 18, 2025 Feature Courtney Gaine, President & CEO, The Sugar Association
Viewed 102 time(s)

In an effort to shine a light on where sugar comes from and to showcase the people who make up the sugar industry, the Sugar Association headed to Bay City, Michigan, with a group of social media influencers during the 2024 sugarbeet harvest. 

Through our third ever “Farm to Table Tour” we set out to show our guests where sugar is grown, how it is simply processed and how it can be part of a balanced diet. Our guests walked through the fields, rode in harvesters, held the plants, saw how real sugar is extracted and enjoyed good food! In turn, the influencers shared their experiences online so their followers got a glimpse into a side of sugar they may not be familiar with. 

The Venue

We know the best way to experience real sugar’s story firsthand is to introduce the influencers to some of the passionate, hardworking farm families of the U.S. sugar industry. On October 23-24, 2024, in collaboration with Michigan Sugar Company, influencers visited two family farms. 

The first stop was Laracha Farms, owned by the Bauer family in Reese, Michigan. Four generations of Bauers were there to greet us, providing insight into the division of responsibilities, the diversity of crops raised, and the dedication required for the success of their operation. Our guests all held a sugarbeet for the first time, participated in the beet harvest and asked many questions. 

The same family values were on display at Zwerk & Sons Farms, owned by Marty Zwerk, Dave Rupprecht and Jeff Schluckbier in Vassar, Michigan, where we got to see a MAUS sugarbeet loader on the first day of full sugarbeet harvest. While the equipment was impressive, the influencers were most taken by the families that bring us real sugar. 

The Musicians

The tour included stops at both the Bay City and Caro factories where we witnessed the simple process of getting the sugar out of the sugarbeets and into bags for the supermarkets. The centrifuge was a favorite stop as both the simplicity of the process and purity of real sugar was on display.

While in Bay City, attendees enjoyed the sugar grown and produced in the region with an ice cream tasting with “Ice Cream Guy” Tim Mangan at Michigan Cream and Sugar, and cinnamon roll making with Maria Otto at the Little Pastry Shop. Seeing sugar go from farm to table all in one day is truly a memorable experience.

Throughout each of the outings, influencers got to spend quality time with Michigan Sugar Company and Sugar Association staff and family growers. Our intimate and relaxed interactions allowed our attendees to engage with us, enabling us to boast about the sugar industry, dispel myths and discuss important sugar facts.

The Audience

While all our guests have a common interest in diet and food, they each use different angles to connect with their audiences. Bay City native and content creator Richard Hagan @richardeats_ engages his followers with his delicious backyard party foods. The five registered dietitians in attendance included a chef, a nutrition coach, a baker and recipe-developer, a diabetes educator and a food blogger providing practical advice to moms.

Each of these social media influencers were selected because they are open-minded and they promote and maintain a balanced approach to diet and lifestyle. These individuals are passionate about sharing information and educating their followers.

None of our guests had ever seen a sugarbeet in real life. Many were surprised that sugarbeets are white like the real sugar that is extracted from them. Giving these folks the opportunity to connect with the farms, the process, and the hardworking people who make sugar possible is significant. Chelsey Amer, RD and nutrition coach @chelseyamernutrition, said, “One of the reasons I said yes to coming on this trip is I’ve never known how sugar was actually made, and I think this was such a cool opportunity to see it go from the farm to the factory to making actual sugar and then use it to make cinnamon rolls like we did.”

The Impact

The events were designed to provide attendees with a memorable and enjoyable experience, and to do so in a way that allowed each participant to share their insights with consumers, clients, and readers in a way that is most appropriate and compelling for each of them. Though our in-person audience was small, they shared their insights with an online audience of more than 4 million, magnifying the reach of the real sugar story. 

It was an honor to host this year’s Farm to Table Tour with Michigan Sugar Company and give our influencer guests a chance to get dirty (literally) and help them appreciate what it takes to deliver real sugar to millions of Americans each and every day. Thank you to our hosts and to the entire industry for partnering with us to tell our story!