IIEA Elects New Officers

Published in the March 2014 Issue Published online: Mar 14, 2014
Viewed 2590 time(s)

Elections for the 2014 Officers and Board of Directors for the Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association were held recently in Burley, Idaho.

Dana Duffin, The Sprinkler Shop, Paul, will serve as president; Bob Hand, Nelson Irrigation Corp., Walla Walla, Wash., as vice president and Ron Sessler, Dykman Electrical, Boise, as treasurer.

Three board members were elected to two-year terms: Quentin Nesbitt, Idaho Power Co., Boise; Dallas Jensen, Agri-Lines Irrigation, Parma; and Roger Yasuda, Clearwater Supply, Ontario, Ore. Derick Attebury, Rain For Rent, Idaho Falls; Loni Monson, Pipeco, Inc., Nampa and Tawna Root, Layne Pumps Inc., Twin Falls, have one more year on their terms. Kent Kidd, Valmont Industries, Declo, will serve as past president.