Extra-large steer named Buford stars at auction

Published online: Jul 31, 2016 News
Viewed 1728 time(s)

LEBANON, Ore.—Coy Cowart and three friends joked about how many hamburgers his giant steer Buford would make.

They decided the steer would produce 3,600 quarter-pounder hamburgers.

Buford is not your average steer. Weighing in at 2,175 pounds, he brought 83 cents per pound at Cowart’s Lebanon Auction Yard on July 21. When Cowart stood next to Buford in the auction ring, the steer towered over him.

Buford was nearly twice as heavy as the average steer, which typically weighs approximately 1,200 pounds.

Cowart called Buford his pet steer, having raised him for four years.

“He was always the most gentle guy,” Cowart said. “When I would call him in he would lead all of the other cattle in with him.

Cowart said he would have liked to keep Buford longer to see how much bigger he would get but that he became too big to manage with the other cattle.

Source: www.capitalpress.com