SIDNEY, Mont.—Despite the challenges of extremely dry weather conditions, the area’s sugarbeet crop still looks promising for 2017.
“The growers are working their tails off on all crops,” Duane Peters, ag manager at Sidney Sugars, said. “The beets seem to be handling the weather even now. There’s the potential for a good beet crop.”
Peters said Sidney Sugars is taking in 32,500 acres of beets this year. The total is about 1,200 less than in 2016.
“The decrease of acres is because yields keep getting bigger and bigger. Growers are doing such a great job,” Peters said.
A root sample taken last week showed that beets are a little behind the three-year average due to germination issues.
“Some fields are experiencing germination issues,” Peters said. “It’s been a long, dry spring and early summer for these growers. We appreciate all that they’re doing.”