Syngenta Offers New Treatment

Published in the March 2015 Issue Published online: Mar 20, 2015
Viewed 1407 time(s)

Syngenta will offer Clariva pn seed treatment nematicide on select nematode-tolerant sugarbeet varieties for 2015 planting.

A complement to nematode-tolerant varieties, Clariva pn will be available to growers in areas with high nematode pressure. It delivers season-long activity against sugarbeet cyst nematode (BCN) through its unique mode of action, maximizing yield and profit potential.

“When used in conjunction with CruiserMaxx Sugarbeets seed treatment, a combination of separately registered products, Clariva pn offers sugarbeet growers triple protection against seedling diseases, insects and BCN,” said Kris Pauna, North American Seedcare product lead, Syngenta. “This seed treatment nematicide is tailored to meet the needs and challenges of sugarbeet growers by complementing existing BCN management practices, such as planting BCN-tolerant varieties and rotations with non-BCN-host-crops. It also offers an excellent crop safety profile.”

In 2014, across four small plot research trials with high-levels of BCN in Colorado, Idaho and Nebraska, Clariva pn produced an average root yield increase of 12 percent beet tons per acre when applied with CruiserMaxx Sugarbeets insecticide/fungicide combination of separately registered products on nematode-tolerant varieties versus a check with only insecticide/fungicide seed treatment. In nine larger scale strip and randomized complete block trials in Michigan and Colorado with confirmed nematode pressure, Clariva pn delivered 5 percent beet tons per acre yield advantage on nematode-tolerant varieties when compared with the insecticide/fungicide seed treatment check.

“BCN-tolerant varieties do not completely eliminate the feeding and reproduction of the nematode, and alone may not be enough to offset BCN’s impact on sugarbeet yield,” said David Belles, Seedcare technical product lead, Syngenta. “Clariva pn combined with nematode tolerant-varieties could prove to be an important strategy to help maintain their effectiveness.”

Syngenta will introduce several new nematode-tolerant Hilleshög brand sugarbeet seed varieties for 2015 planting.

For a complete list of all cooperative-approved Hilleshög varieties available for 2015, visit