Sugarbeet Crop Update From Across U.S.

Published online: Sep 13, 2023 News
Viewed 256 time(s)

The USDA NASS has provided an update on the U.S. sugarbeet crop in its weekly crop progress report ( from last week. Here’s a sample of what the latest report showed.

North Dakota – This week’s report has improved a little as far as crop quality. Zero percent of the sugarbeet crop in the state is rated as “very poor.” Another 9 percent is rated as poor with 26 percent rated as fair. Another 62 percent is rated good and 3 percent as excellent.

About 8 percent of the sugarbeet crop has been harvested, equal the average for this time of the year.

Colorado – None of Colorado’s sugarbeet crop has been rated as very poor and just 1 percent is rated as poor. Twenty-five percent of the crop is rated as fair, an improvement from 22 percent the week before. Fifty-six percent is in the good category, down a little from 60 percent a week ago. Eighteen percent of the sugarbeets are rated as excellent, the same as what was reported last week.

Wyoming – Wyoming has, according to NASS reports, again has one of the best sugarbeet reports from this past week as 84 percent of the crop is rated as good, up from 83 percent the week before. But none of the state’s crop is rated as very poor or poor. Sixteen percent is rated as fair, the same as the week prior.

Michigan -  Three percent of the state’s sugarbeet crop was rated as very poor this past week with 8 percent rated as poor. Thirty-six percent was rated as fair and another 42 percent as good. Eleven percent has been rated as excellent.

Three percent of the crop has been harvested, a bit below the five-year average of 9 percent.

Minnesota – Minnesota is another state with a good sugarbeet crop report from last week with 63 percent rated as excellent and another 30 percent as good. Five percent was rated as fair and another 2 percent as poor but none as very poor.

The 2023 crop is 8 percent harvested, up from 6 percent a week ago and just ahead of the five-year average of 6 percent.

Idaho – Still another state with a good crop report is Idaho with 5 percent being rated as excellent and 89 percent as good. Another 6 percent has been rated as fair.

One percent of the crop has been harvested, down slightly from the 4 percent five-year average.

Oregon – An impressive 10 percent of Oregon’s sugarbeet crop has been rated as excellent, followed by another 70 percent as good. Twenty percent has been rated as fair.