End Of May/Early June Sugarbeet Crop Update From Across U.S.

Published online: Jun 05, 2024 News
Viewed 313 time(s)

The USDA NASS has provided an update on the 2024 U.S. sugarbeet crop progress in its weekly crop progress report (https://www.nass.usda.gov/) from last week. Here’s a sample of what the latest report showed.

Colorado – The report shows 80 percent of the beet crop has emerged, up from the 71 percent that had emerged a week ago. The five-year average at this time of year is 78 percent.

Twelve percent of the crop is rated as in excellent condition, down from 24 percent a week ago. Seventy-one percent is rated as good, 16 percent as fair and 1 percent as poor.

Wyoming – Beets in Wyoming have, according to NASS reports, made a big jump in emergence with 71 percent of the crop up, a definite improvement from the 52 percent a week ago. A year ago at this time 88 percent had emerged.

Michigan - The NASS report shows that 65 percent of the beet crop is in excellent condition (down slightly from a week ago) with another 30 percent in good condition. Five percent is rated as fair.

Minnesota – Minnesota sugarbeets are rated as70 percent being in excellent condition (down from 77 percent a week ago) with another 26 percent in good condition. Four percent are rated as being in fair condition.

North Dakota – Across the Red River in North Dakota, the 2024 sugarbeet crop has been rated as 89 percent excellent and 10 percent good. The other 1 percent is rated as fair.

Idaho – Planting is done in the state and 99 percent of the crop has emerged, a nice jump from the 90 percent a week ago.

Sixty-five percent of the crop is ranked as being in good condition with another 31 percent rated as fair. Four percent of the crop is rated as excellent.

Montana – The state’s sugarbeet growers have 42 percent of the crop in, which is a bit ahead where they were last year (40 percent). The 42 percent planted is up from 35 percent of what was planted a week ago.

Eleven percent of the crop has emerged. The five-year average at this time of year is 49 percent.

Oregon – The sugarbeet crop is rated as 10 percent in excellent condition, 40 percent as good and 30 percent as fair. The other 20 percent is rated as poor.